bellevue school district parent, founder cs4kids.org

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“I believe Jane brings a very unique depth and breadth of experience to the board that is not shared by other candidates under review.  As a special education teacher in both the Renton School District and Bellevue School District, she led instructional learning centers that helped students transition to traditional tracks in less than two years. 

“Holding PTA equity roles within elementary, middle and high schools, she supported teachers across educational development initiatives to enhance Spanish education learning for BSD’s Spanish immersion students (such as international study abroad programs) and STEM clubs inclusive to all students -without barriers to costs, accessibility or availability.  

“Her volunteerism is unmatched given her three-year obligation teaching computer science to remote rural high school students from underserved migrant farming communities in central Washington in addition to leading grass-roots math and computer science neighborhood clubs supporting students who have fallen behind in STEM. Jane’s consistent impact to Bellevue students and the Bellevue community is unlike no other and demonstrates her tireless commitment to seeing that all Bellevue students realize their deserved potential in academic success. 

“As a Bellevue parent, I have witnessed first-hand how students of color and underserved populations have not adequately been served by Bellevue School District.

“Jane’s compassion, experience and resolve will contribute to the board’s ability to advance policies that address such shortcomings and compliment the breadth of diverse perspectives deserved by Bellevue students.”